Taking in a beautiful, mountainous landscape. Trips to salt caves and museums. Visiting Stonehenge. St. Joseph’s College students enjoyed all that and more while studying abroad in Romania, Poland and Oxford this…
Global Studies
For the third year, SJC hosts its Study Abroad Conference — a day for students to reflect on faculty-led global studies programs.
For eight months, SJC Long Island honors student Dean Gandley is studying in Bremen, Germany, learning more about European history and foreign politics.
St. Joseph’s College offers many studying abroad programs, and you can also create your own. Find out five reasons why you should study abroad with SJC.
For one week in May, 18 SJC Long Island honors students traveled to Iceland. Students Tyler LaCarrubba and Barbara Zeng recapped their trip.
Alyssa Bosco tackles student teaching abroad with a six-week internship experience through the Florence University of Arts in Italy.
Around the World With the Global Studies Scholarship
Exploring the history and dedication of SJC faculty to the College’s global studies scholarship, and its first recipient — Sarah Prescott.
Navigating student reflections, global lessons and memories made overseas with the second annual Study Abroad Conference.
By Melanie Gomez ’17 • Child Study Major France was an experience of a lifetime and I’m so glad I was able to participate in it. The trip was part of an…