Two SJC Long Island alumnae traveled to China July 9–21 to lead a teachers’ training course for Chinese English teachers.
Study Abroad
St. Joseph’s College President Donald R. Boomgaarden, Ph.D., will confer degrees on more than 1,000 students from SJC Long Island’s Class of 2018 during the campus’ May 30 commencement ceremony…
For eight months, SJC Long Island honors student Dean Gandley is studying in Bremen, Germany, learning more about European history and foreign politics.
St. Joseph’s College offers many studying abroad programs, and you can also create your own. Find out five reasons why you should study abroad with SJC.
There’s a lot going on your last year of college. We spoke to SJC staff and alumni, and they shared their advice for college seniors.
For one week in May, 18 SJC Long Island honors students traveled to Iceland. Students Tyler LaCarrubba and Barbara Zeng recapped their trip.
Catching up with some of our SJC Long Island students who interned abroad and across the Island as part of their summer vacation.
As the fall semester quickly approaches, college freshmen and seniors alike prepare for a year full of momentous firsts and lasts; here’s a look at eight.
From dancing in Athens to climbing the Ochi mountain, SJC’s study abroad students were given an unforgettable authentic Greek experience.
The College’s study abroad trip to Cuba is the adventure of a lifetime for Mary Steinbrecher, Molly Lutz and their fellow SJC students.